I’m still working with Year 5, investigating how to use Scratch for simple maths problem solving and games. Here’s a simple game that’s good for making practical use of boolean operators, ‘random’ number generator, ‘repeat until’ loops and variables… It works like this…
Simple maths in Scratch
I’m working with Year 5 at the moment, thinking about how to get Scratch to do maths. The progression has been something like this… 1) Get sprite to say the answer to 3*2 etc 2) Get sprite to ask for something to multiply by 2. Eg ‘say *2’ 3) Set first answer to a variable called ‘firstnumber’ and second answer …
Plotting / translating coordinates in Scratch
I’m currently working with year 6 children for one morning a week to enhance their English and maths learning through ICT. In maths this week we’re revising coordinates and how shapes can be translated. We came up with some ideas about how we could write a program to plot co-ordinates to make a polygon then translate it to a new …